Retrieves the details of a company using the company's domain from Apollo
Common use cases
Data Management
Apollo (License Included)
Inputs (what you have)
Company domain | Domain of the company website
Note: Only base domains are accepted. | Link | Yes |
Note: do not use,,, or Simply use |
Note: the value of inputs can either be a set value in the configuration of the Wrk Action within the Wrkflow, or a variable from the Data library section. These variables in the Data library section are the outputs of previous Wrk Actions in the Wrkflow.
Outputs (what you get)
Company name | Company name | Text | Yes | Wrk |
Phone | Company phone number | Phone Number | Yes | 555-457-5555 |
Postal code | Company postal code | Text | Yes | 5f4d2 |
Primary domain | Company primary domain | Link | Yes | |
Primary phone number | Company primary phone number | Phone Number | Yes | 555-457-5555 |
Primary phone source | Company primary phone source | Text | Yes | John |
Street address | Company street address | Text | Yes | 123 Click Avenue |
City | Company city | Text | Yes | Montreal |
State | Company state/province | Text | Yes | Quebec |
Country | Company country | Text | Yes | Canada |
Crunchbase link | Company Crunchbase link | Link | Yes | |
Estimated number of employees | Company Estimated Number of Employees | Integer | Yes | 100 |
Facebook link | Company Facebook link | Link | Yes | |
Founded year | Company founded year | Integer | Yes | 2012 |
ID | Company ID | Text | Yes | 5f4d24a3bvst250301a9217e |
Industry | Company industry | Text | Yes | Technology |
Industry tag ID | Company industry Tag ID | Text | Yes | 5f4d24a10005301a9217e |
LinkedIn UID | Company LinkedIn UID | Text | Yes | 5577 |
LinkedIn link | Company LinkedIn Link | Link | Yes | company-name |
Logo link | Company logo Link | Link | Yes | |
Market cap | Company market cap | Text | Yes | kk |
Number of sub-organizations | Number of sub-organizations that belong to the company | Integer | Yes | 5 |
Owned by company ID | Company owned by company ID | Text | Yes | 5f4d24a3bvst250301a9217e |
Alexa ranking | Company Alexa ranking | Integer | Yes | 14 |
Angel list link | Company Angel list link | Text | Yes | |
Annual revenue | Company annual revenue | Number | Yes | 200,000,000 |
Annual revenue printed | Company annual revenue printed | Text | Yes | 200M |
Blog link | Company blog Link | Link | Yes | |
Publicly traded exchange | Company publicly traded exchange | Text | Yes |
Publicly traded symbol | Company publicly traded symbol | Text | Yes | AMZN |
Raw address | Company raw address | Text | Yes | Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
Retail location count | Company retail location count | Integer | Yes | 10 |
Sanitized phone | Company sanitized phone | Phone Number | Yes | 5554575555 |
SEO description | Company SEO description | Text | Yes | Powerful automation... |
Short description | Company short description | Text | Yes | Powerful automation... |
Twitter link | Company Twitter Link | Link | Yes | |
Website link | Company website link | Link | Yes | |
Snippets loaded | Company snippets loaded | True/False | Yes | True |
Success | This status is selected if the company details were successfully retrieved. |
No result | This status is selected in the event of the following scenarios: - No company details were found |
Unsuccessful | This status is selected in the event of the following scenarios: - Application site is down |