Perform an API call in Google Calendar by specifying the endpoint URL, selecting the desired HTTP method, including request headers (in JSON format), providing an optional request body, and optionally attaching a file.
Google Calendar
Inputs (what you have)
Name | Description | Data Type | Required? | Example |
Endpoint | The URL of the API endpoint to access | URL | Yes |
Method | The HTTP method to be used for the request | Predefined Choice List | Yes | GET |
Request headers | Additional headers to include in the request in JSON format | Text (Long) | No | {"Content-Type": "application/json"} |
Request body | The data to be included in the request body | Text (Long) | No | {"name": "John", "age": 25} |
File | A file to be included in the request | File | No | example.png |
Note: the value of inputs can either be a set value in the configuration of the Wrk Action within the Wrkflow, or a variable from the Data library section. These variables in the Data library section are the outputs of previous Wrk Actions in the Wrkflow.
Outputs (what you get)
Title | Description | Data Type | Required? | Example |
Response status code | The HTTP status code returned in the response | Integer | Yes | 200 |
Response headers | Additional information provided in the response headers | Text (Long) | No | Content-Type: application/json |
Response body | The main content of the response | Text (Long) | No | {"message": "Success"} |
Downloaded file | A file that is downloaded as part of the response | File | No | example.pdf |
Note: The "Fields to Capture" input feature can be used to create new outputs for the Wrk Action with the value of the corresponding key name in the first-level JSON output of the Wrk Action.
Example: If the "Response Body" output is equal to {"message": "Success"} Then you are able to add a "Fields to capture" input with the name "message" that will add an output to the Wrk Action called "message" which will have the value "Success"
Name | Description |
Success | This status is selected in the event of that the API call returns with a status between 200-399 |
Unsuccessful | This status is selected in the event of that the API call returns with a status of 400+ |
Impossible to Complete | This status is selected in the event of the following scenario: