Compares two texts based on a given criteria and determine if:
1. Text 1 is an exact match to Text 2 or
2. Text 1 is contained in Text 2
Common use cases
Data Manipulation
Data Management
Inputs (what you have)
Text 1 | The source text to be compared | Text | Yes | Account Manager |
Comparison criteria | The criteria to be used for the comparison Accepted values:
| Predefined Choice List | Yes | Is contained in |
Text 2 | The reference text (i.e. to be compared against) See more examples in the How it works section below. | Text | Yes | Account Manager Employee |
Ignore case | Set 'True' if the text case is to be ignored and 'False' when the case will be considered. For instance, 'True', if car=Car=CAR | True/False | No | True |
Note: The value of inputs can either be a set value in the configuration of the Wrk Action within the Wrkflow, or a variable from the Data Library section. These variables in the Data Library section are the outputs of previous Wrk Actions in the Wrkflow.
Outputs (what you get)
Yes | This status is selected if the text compared fulfills the provided criteria |
No | This status is selected if the text compared does not meet the provided criteria |
Unsuccessful | This status is selected in the event of the following scenarios: - If the statement doesn't make sense or the value to be compared with is empty. |
How it works
The text 1 "car" matches "car" - the outcome should be - Yes
The text 1 "boat" is contained in text 2 "boat, car, bike, train". or "boat" is a part of the "boat, car , bike, train" and therefore the outcome should be - Yes
The text 1 "boat" is not contained in or matches text 2 "car is a vehicle" and therefore the outcome should be - No
β(The text 1 has to be contained within the text 2).