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Retrieve value(s) from a website
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Written by Wrk Product
Updated over a year ago

Retrieve value(s) from a website. Please refer to Configuration Rules for more details on the configuration of the data extraction rules.


  • Web Process Automation

Inputs (what you have)



Data Type



Browser session ID

The unique identifier of the browser instance. Can be retrieved from "Open a browser session" Wrk Action

Text (Short)



Data extraction rules

Instructions for what data should be extracted from the site.



{ "title" : "h1"}

Note: the value of inputs can either be a set value in the configuration of the Wrk Action within the Wrkflow, or a variable from the Data library section. These variables in the Data library section are the outputs of previous Wrk Actions in the Wrkflow.

Outputs (what you get)



Data Type



Extracted content

JSON result of the data extracted from the website



{"title" : "The Wrk Blog"}

Unsuccessful message

If unsuccessful, a message stating what went wrong

Text (Long)


Unsuccessful screenshot

If unsuccessful, a screenshot of the website



Fields to Capture


Note: The "Fields to Capture" input feature can be used to create new outputs for the Wrk Action with the value of the corresponding key name in the first-level JSON output of the Wrk Action.

Example: If the "Response Body" output is equal to {"title": "The Wrk Blog"} Then you are able to add a "Fields to capture" input with the name "title" that will add an output to the Wrk Action called "title" which will have the value "The Wrk Blog"





This status is selected in the event that data was successfully retrieved from the website

No result

This status is selected in the event of the following scenario:

  • There is no Extracted content

Impossible to complete

This status is selected in the event of the following scenario:

  • Unable to connect to the session for some reason

Configuration Rules

Regarding the configuration of the "Retrieve data from a website" Wrk Action, we recommend a helpful tool to simplify the process of setting up data extraction rules. The tool is called "jQuery Unique Selector," and you can access it by installing the Chrome extension from this link: jQuery Unique Selector Chrome Extension.
Here's how to use it:
1. After installing the extension, click on the magnifying glass icon() in your browser. This will activate the selector mode.

2. Select the specific item you want to extract from the website by clicking on it.

3. Copy the "Selected Element Selector" that the extension provides, and use it in your data extraction rules for the "Retrieve data from a website" action. Repeat this process for all the content you need to retrieve from the website.

4. To disable the extension, simply click the magnifying glass icon again.

This tool should help you with most data extraction tasks for the majority of sites. However, please keep in mind that some situations may require additional configuration. If you come across any such scenarios, don't hesitate to reach out for further assistance.


Code Example

Simple rule to extract an element's h1 text content using a CSS selector.

{"main_heading": "h1"} 

Simple rule to extract an element's subtitle text content using an ID.

{"sub_heading": "#subtitle"} 

Rule to extract an HTML attribute, such as the href from a link.

{"link": "a@href"} 

Complex rule with a selector, specifying the desired output format.

"main_heading": {
"selector": "h1",
"output": "text"

Rule to extract the HTML content of an element.

"title_html": {
"selector": "h1",
"output": "html"

Rule to extract an attribute by using the "@" prefix in the output field.

"title_id": {
"selector": "h1",
"output": "@id"

Rule to extract data from a table and format it as a JSON object.

"table_json": {
"selector": "table",
"output": "table_json"

Rule to extract data from a table and format it as an array.

"table_array": {
"selector": "table",
"output": "table_array"

Simple syntax for extracting text content and attributes without specifying output or type.

"main_heading": "h1",
"link": "a@href"

Rule to extract and format information from a table using JSON representation.

"table_json": {
"selector": "#table_id",
"output": "table_json"

Rule to extract and format information from a table using array representation.

"table_array": {
"selector": "#table_id",
"output": "table_array"

Rule to extract the first matching element for a selector.

"first_post_title": {
"selector": ".post-title",
"type": "item"

Rule to extract all matching elements for a selector.

"all_post_titles": {
"selector": ".post-title",
"type": "list"

Rule for cleaning the extracted text content by default.

"first_post_description": {
"selector": ".card > div",
"clean": true

Rule to extract content without cleaning, preserving whitespace and special characters.

"first_post_description": {
"selector": ".card > div",
"clean": false

Nested extraction rule to gather detailed information from multiple items.

"articles": {
"selector": ".card",
"type": "list",
"output": {
"title": ".post-title",
"link": {
"selector": ".post-title",
"output": "@href"
"description": ".post-description"

Nested extraction rules to gather detailed information both from items inside the selected item and from the selected item itself. Note: This is especially useful when you want to extract information not only from elements nested in the the main element but also from the main element.

"Cards": {
"selector": "div>a",
"type": "list",
"output": {
"name": "h1.Card_name",
"link": {
"selector": "@",
"output": "@href"

Rule to extract all links from a page, returning an array of href attributes.

"all_links": {
"selector": "a",
"type": "list",
"output": "@href"

Rule to extract text and href for each link, providing a more detailed structure.

"all_links": {
"selector": "a",
"type": "list",
"output": {
"anchor": {
"selector": "@",
"output": "text"
"href": {
"selector": "@",
"output": "@href"

Rule to extract all textual content from a page body.

{"text": "body"} 

Rule to extract all email addresses from a page using mailto links.

"email_addresses": {
"selector": "a[href^='mailto']",
"output": "@href",
"type": "list"
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