Send a message in Slack
Inputs (what you have)
Name | Description | Data Type | Required? | Example |
Channel ID | Channel, private group, or IM channel to send message to | Text(Short) | Yes | C1234567890 |
Message | Content of the message being sent. Markdown can be used to apply styling. | Text(Long) | Yes | This message contains a URL |
Attachment 1 | Attachment to include in the message | File | No |
Attachment 2 | Attachment to include in the message | File | No |
Attachment 3 | Attachment to include in the message | File | No |
Thread ID | Timestamp of the thread’s parent message. Use this to reply to a thread in Slack | Text(Short) | No | 1503435956.000247 |
Broadcast thread message? | Used in conjunction with Thread ID and indicates whether reply should be made visible to everyone in the channel or conversation | True/False | No | True |
Note: the value of inputs can either be a set value in the configuration of the Wrk Action within the Wrkflow, or a variable from the Data library section. These variables in the Data library section are the outputs of previous Wrk Actions in the Wrkflow.
Outputs (what you get)
Name | Description | Data Type | Required? | Example |
Message ID | Timestamp of the message sent | Text(Short) | Yes | 1503435956.000247 |
Name | Description |
Success | This status is selected when the Slack message is successfully sent |
Impossible to Complete | This status is selected in the event of the following scenario: