Retrieve insights about a specific email address.
Common use cases
Data Manipulation
Inputs (what you have)
Email Address | Email address to be verified | Yes |
Note: the value of inputs can either be a set value in the configuration of the Wrk Action within the Wrkflow, or a variable from the Data Library. These variables in the Data Library are the outputs of previous Wrk Actions in the Wrkflow.
Outputs(what you get)
Account | The portion of the email address before the "@" symbol | Text | Yes | johndoe |
Email address | The email address you are validating | Yes |
| |
City | The city of the IP passed in | Text | Yes | Toronto |
Country | The country of the IP passed in | Text | Yes | Canada |
Did you mean | Suggestive fix for an email typo | Text | Yes |
Domain | The portion of the email address after the "@" symbol | Text | Yes | |
Domain age days | Age of the email domain in days | Text | Yes | 226 |
First name | The first name of the owner of the email when available | Text | Yes | John |
Free email | If the email comes from a free provider | True/False | Yes | true |
Gender | The gender of the owner of the email when available | Text | Yes | Male |
Last name | The last name of the owner of the email when available | Text | Yes | Doe |
Mx found | Does the domain have an MX record | Text | Yes | true |
Mx record | The preferred MX record of the domain | Text | Yes |
Processed at | The UTC time the email was validated | Text | Yes | 2017-04-01 02:48:02.592 |
Region | The region/state of the IP passed in | Text | Yes | Ontario |
SMTP provider | The SMTP provider of the email | Text | Yes | yahoo |
Status | Possible values include: valid, invalid, catch-all, unknown, spamtrap, abuse, do_not_mail | Text | Yes | valid |
Sub status | Possible values include: antispam_system, greylisted, mail_server_temporary_error, forcible_disconnect, mail_server_did_not_respond, timeout_exceeded, failed_smtp_connection, mailbox_quota_exceeded, exception_occurred, possible_trap, role_based, global_suppression, mailbox_not_found, no_dns_entries, failed_syntax_check, possible_typo, unroutable_ip_address, leading_period_removed, does_not_accept_mail, alias_address, role_based_catch_all, disposable, or toxic | Text | Yes | greylisted |
Zip code | The zipcode of the IP passed in | Text | Yes | X1X 1X1 |
Success | This status is selected when the email is successfully verified |
No Result | This status is selected in the event of the following scenarios: - No email insights found |
Unsuccessful | This status is selected in the event of the following scenarios: - No email address is provided |