Retrieve basic details from a billing document(invoice, receipt, or purchase order). Additional information can be captured by configuring the "Fields to capture" section.
Supported languages: English
Common use cases
Accounts payable invoice processing
Intelligent Document Processing
Inputs (what you have)
Name | Description | Data Type | Required? | Example |
Billing document | Billing document to retrieve details from. Accepted document formats are PNG, JPEG, TIFF, or PDF | File | Yes | Invoice_123.pdf |
Note: the value of inputs can either be a set value in the configuration of the Wrk Action within the Wrkflow, or a variable from the Data library section. These variables in the Data library section are the outputs of previous Wrk Actions in the Wrkflow.
Outputs (what you get)
Name | Description | Data Type | Required? | Example |
Document number | Invoice number or receipt number for the billing document provided. | Text(Short) | No | INV-20230512-001 |
Date | The date when the billing document is issued in ISO 8601 format | Date | Yes | 2023-05-12 |
Due date | The date by which the payment is due in ISO 8601 format | Date | No | 2023-06-01 |
Terms | Payment terms or conditions for the billing document | Text(Short) | No | Net 30 |
Supplier name | Name of the supplier or company issuing the billing document | Text(Short) | Yes | ABC Corporation |
Supplier address | Address of the supplier or company issuing the billing document | Text(Short) | No | 123 Main Street, City, State, ZIP |
Bill to name | Name of the customer or entity to be billed | Text(Short) | No | XYZ Company |
Bill to address | Address of the customer or entity to be billed | Text(Short) | No | 456 Elm Avenue, City, State, ZIP |
Ship to name | Name of the person or company to whom the shipment is made | Text(Short) | No | John Doe |
Ship to address | Address where the shipment will be delivered | Text(Short) | No | 789 Oak Lane, City, State, ZIP |
Purchase or reference no. | Reference number provided by the customer or client | Text(Short) | No | PR-20230512-001 |
Vendor VAT number | VAT (Value Added Tax) identification number | Text (Short) | No | GB123456789 |
Subtotal | Total amount of the billing document before tax and additional charges | Number | No | 1000.00 |
Tax amount | Amount of tax applied to the billing document | Number | No | 200.00 |
Total amount | Final total amount due on the billing document, including tax | Number | Yes | 1200.00 |
Amount due | The amount due on the billing document | Number | No | 0.00 |
Amount paid | The amount paid on the billing document | Number | No | 1200.00 |
Currency of the total amount | Currency in which the total amount is expressed | Text(Short) | No | USD |
Note: Values configured in the"Fields to capture" section can be used to extract additional detail based on partial label names.
Example: In the sample invoice below the "Notes" text "Please deliver to the back entrance" can be captured by adding a field named "Notes" with the data type Text (Short). Since additional detail can be captured with partial label matches in our example, we can also pick up the Notes field if a Fields to capture was created called "Note".
Name | Description |
Success | This status is selected if details are extracted from the billing document provided. |
No Result | This status is selected in the event of the following scenarios:
Impossible to Complete | This status is selected in the event of the following scenarios: